“ Innovative Solutions ”
Pioneering Groundbreaking Results
The Child Education and Rehabilitation Organization has introduced a range of courses aimed at enhancing the leadership and managerial skills of young individuals of all genders. Additionally, the organization conducts awareness sessions on disaster preparedness and health issues, including breast cancer prevention and other critical topics. This revision provides clearer language, specifies the inclusive nature of the program, and maintains the original intent while enhancing readability.
منذ عام 2003 ,اصبح العراق يعيش في دوامة الاوضاع الامنية الغير مستقرة ,حيث يواجه صراعات مستمرة تقودها جماعات منفلته وكوارث طبيعية ,مما ادى الى تدهور الوضع الاقتصادي والاجتماعي والنفسي والصحي للفئات التي تعمل المنظمة على دعمها
قدم تعليم وتمكين الأطفال في العراق مجموعة من الأنشطة للأطفال في العراق . يهدف المركز إلى تعزيز المعرفة والتماسك الاجتماعي والإبداع والرفاهية النفسية والاجتماعية للمستفيدين من خلال الأنشطة التعليمية والترفيهية والرياضية. منذ تأسيسها في عام 2003 ، كان للمنظمة بعض التجارب الإيجابية للغاية مع الشركاء الوطنيين والدوليين مثل وزارة الشباب العراقية ، MPDL ، اليونيسف ، الهلال الأحمر العراقي. تتطلع كل من ICS الإيطالية و INTERSOS الإيطالية والمنظمة الدولية للهجرة و Oxfam International و UNHCR و Save the GHILDREN والمنظمات الهولندية المانحة وما إلى ذلك لتلبية الاحتياجات المستمرة للمستفيدين. في العراق
تقدم جمعية تعليم وتاهيل الطفل في العراق مجموعة من الأنشطة للنساء والشباب في مركز المنظمة في محافظات العراق, يهدف المركز إلى تعزيز المعرفة والتماسك الاجتماعي والإبداع من خلال التدريب على الحرف اليدوية والمهنية .حيث تم تخريج اكثر من 1500شاب وفتاة ,ليكونوا مؤهلين للبدء بحياتهم من جديد حيث يملكون مهنة تساعدهم على مواجهة الحياة مستقبلا
هناك المئات من الاطفال يتعلمون في مدارس غير صالحة للتعليم من سوء الخدمات والبنية التحتية المتهالكة واثاث المدرسة مكسور ,مما يؤدي بالاطفال الى ترك الدراسة وعدم الرغبة في الاستمرار.التوجه الى العمل لمساعدة اهاليهم الذين يعانون من الفقر وهذا ضد قانون تجريم عمل الاطفال
Oxfam International implemented a comprehensive project between 2008 and 2009, focusing on children, youth, and women. The project provided education, vocational training, psychological support, legal assistance, medical services, and opportunities for sports and music engagement
Financial support for the project
Thanks were given to the Association for Child Education and Rehabilitation by the International Organization for Migration, for the success of the projects for which financial support was granted. 2010-2013
Children, women and youth
Several projects have been implemented with the International Organization for Migration for children, youth and women, through several activities: education, psychological support, reducing domestic violence, raising awareness...etc.
Increasing awareness of how to participate in elections, whether municipal or parliamentary
Obtaining a certificate of appreciation from the Iraq Rapid Assistance Program. Training young men and girls in middle and middle schools in the city of Baghdad, which included 10 schools, to educate them about participating in casting their votes in the 2009 elections for the provincial councils and parliamentary elections.
training women in handicrafts and vocational crafts in Baghdad
The certificate was obtained due to the efforts made by the organization in implementing the project that specializes in training women in handicrafts and vocational crafts in Baghdad, which ended with great success.
educating youth and women on casting their votes in elections
A certificate of appreciation for the completion of several projects in training youth and women on computers, and educating youth and women on casting their votes in elections
Obtaining a certificate of appreciation from the Rapid Assistance Program for Iraq. To train boys and girls in middle schools in the city of Baghdad, which included 10 schools, to educate them to participate in casting their votes in the 2009 provincial and parliamentary elections.
Project management, organization and reporting
The certificate was obtained due to the efforts made by the organization in implementing the project that specializes in training women in handicrafts and vocational crafts in Baghdad, which ended with great success.
Organizing and coordinating
A certificate of appreciation for the completion of several projects in training youth and women on computers and training youth and women to cast their votes in elections